Personalized Yoga Intensive

a one-on-one continuing education course

Created & Led by Lana Reed

Breakthrough! Uncover + Integrate + Enhance


Whether you have taken ten or a hundred classes; the average vinyasa yoga class is not able to provide background principles, anatomical information, or often even the basic how-to of poses. This is exactly why I created this course — to fill in the gaps that the mixed-level flow yoga classes have left in the average yoga student’s understanding of asana.

Meet, Basics are the New Advanced; an original approach custom-tailored to your needs.

What is this course? – a solid grounding in anatomical and asana principles to take with you and apply in any class and an opportunity to ask questions and get answers.

  • Intensive, yet highly supportive.

  • Taught one-on-one in four distinct sessions at my private studio

  • Highly personalized for each individual student

  • Spaced for time to process between sessions

  • Perfect if you have time constraints that prevent you from attending a yoga teacher training

  • E-book, visual guide accompaniment provided

What you should know by the end – the principles, qualities, anatomy, and ideal alignment for most commonly encountered poses and how to work with your unique body to avoid discomfort and prevent injury.

Who does this course serve? - This course was created for those who are curious, willing, and ready to learn more. As a fully customizable option it is easily tailored to an individual’s unique goals and serves as an alternative to generalized classes or yoga teacher training courses. Ideal for those with limited time availability or specific practice intentions.

Why was it was created? – To a provide a quality alternative for those ready to learn more yet faced with limited time availability.


Know that you’re ready to dive all in? Explore the components of 200hr Yoga Teacher Training.

Interested in YTT but know you don’t want to teach? Read how YTT is not just for those who want to teach.


Enrich and Expand Your Practice, browse my blog.

Currently enrolled in Basics Are The New Advanced? Download the accompanying ebook here.