How to Get the Yoga Photography Shots You Want: 10 Hacks from a Pro

Pro Tip #1: Warm Up!

Don’t rock up to a shoot without warming up beforehand. This allows you to be at your most flexible from the start so you appear comfortable in the poses you have chosen.

Pro Tip #2: Practice your Poses.

Practice certain poses in front of the mirror. See how you look, does effort or ease show on your features, how does your body feel, are you digging the shape you make?

Pro Tip #3: Wardrobe Realities.

A photo shoot with outfits that reflects your style; not only stretchy ‘exercise’ clothes can result in awesome shots! Just take time to give the clothing a trial run before the shoot. Assess the cut and lay of the clothes in various poses and test your range of motions. This will increase satisfaction with your final shots.

Pro Tip #4: Walk away from the Mat.

I know, your mat and you go together like a cupcake and sprinkles but in photos the mat element remains a constant and often proves to be a distracting element. Some poses may be more uncomfortable without it, but the improved aesthetics of your photos overall will make it worth it (in my opinion).

Pro Tip #5: Bold doesn’t always equal bright.

Colorful apparel choices can pop in photos but don’t dismiss the power of neutrals too. Softer colors create a different image energy so choose as you like but consider the benefits of combining a bright outfit and a more neutral one too in the same shoot.

Pro Tip #6: Simple poses + unique variation = sophisticated shots!

Don’t assume that the most complex poses will photograph best. Instead incorporate Mudra’s (hand poses), gaze changes, and unique elements that transform a standard pose into the exotic and unusually striking.

Pro Tip #7: Accessories are the spice of a shoot:

While most professionals have an outfit limit per shoot; stretch past these with well chosen accessories which don’t count toward the outfit count. Think statement jewelry pieces, scarves, loose sweaters, hats, and hairstyles. Accessories are easy to add and take away and will add unique factors to individual shots for interest and variance.

Pro Tip #8: Sequence with details in mind.

Poses – remember that inversions can leave your face red and leave them till last or plan their inclusion sparingly. Hair – keep your ‘do’ in mind. I recommend going from fully down, to half-up, to fully-up if your hairstyle allows it. Keep in mind that hairbands and the like often leave marks so add them as the shoot goes on. Outfits – straps and other clothing features often leave impressions behind on skin. This doesn’t mean you forego your favorite strappy top – go for it – but think ahead and place it in a wardrobe order that suits, so you don’t end up with strap indention's for your stellar strapless dress.

Pro Tip #9: Get High & Get Low.

Go beyond straight vertical and straight horizontal photographic approaches. The sky is literally the limit; explore the setting and environment of your shoot to the max for angles that amaze.

Pro Tip #10: Do your Inspo Research:

Scroll away through your favorite Instagram and Pinterst profiles and make a list of poses you love. If your photographer specializes in Yoga they will certainly come with ideas of their own but preparing your own inspiration list goes a long way to creating shots you’ll treasure!

Wild Thing Photography

If you require a professional Yoga Photographer for website and marketing materials, or simply as a treat, explore my portfolio. I’m passionate about capturing Yogi’s doing what they love and have been making a career of it since 2010.


Specializing In Small Business Marketing, Personal Branding And Yoga Photography

Explore: Wild Thing School of Yoga | Wild Thing Photography 

Copyright © 2021 Wild Thing Photography and School of Yoga, LLC. All rights reserved.

Photography Credit: Wild Thing Photography

Models: Crystal @crystalyogilmt_1111 & Nakita Crump @moonflower_yogini

Arielena Reed