Hyperextended Knees

Knees! Specifically, what is knee hyperextension? Hyperextension simply means the joint goes beyond its normal range of motion.

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Now time to get real, being hypermobile is all fun and games until it's not. When you are hypermobile or even just very flexible you often have much more stabilizing work to do in your phyiscal yoga practice.

hyper as a prefix means:

  • over; beyond; above

  • exceeding

  • excessively; above normal

Check out these amazing visuals for a non-hyperextending knee (on the left in the purple leggings) and the hyperextended knee (on the right in theblack and gray patterned leggings

non-hyperextending knee (on the left in the purple leggings) and the hyperextended knee (on the right in theblack and gray patterned leggings)

non-hyperextending knee

hyperextended knee

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Photography Credit: Wild Thing Photography

Arielena Reed