Strap Trick for Elbow Hyperextension in Yoga!

It's strap time!

But first, this blog is part of a series:

When you have hyperextension in your elbow, you have more work to do. This strap trick can give you some realtime feedback, acting as an active reminder and serving to imprint the action needed even once the strap is removed.

Strap Instructions:
1. Make a loop in the strap.
2. Put the loop strap around the upper arm just above the elbow. (It make take some trial and error to get the loop the correct size.)
3. You are looking for the arms to be straight (not bent and not hyperextended)
4. Once you have the sizing right, the action is pressing into the strap so that you actively move out of hyperextension.
5. Keep the upper arms moving in external rotation. (Be careful not to begin to internally rotate the shoulders when you press into the strap!) (click here if you missed the breakdown of internal vs. external rotation)
6. Notice and observe as you move from downdog, to plank, to table top what it is like to experience poses in a more congruent way.

Downdog with a Strap! Notice how the arms look straight with no hyperextension.

Downdog with a Strap! Notice how the arms look straight with no hyperextension.

Without the strap, the hyperextension of the elbows becomes pronounced.

Without the strap, the hyperextension of the elbows becomes pronounced.

Enhancing practice through education that elevates.

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Copyright © 2021 Wild Thing Photography and School of Yoga, LLC. All rights reserved.

Photography Credit: Wild Thing Photography

Model: Sarah Oviatt @thatteacheryogi

Arielena Reed