A Different Take on Regrets


Regrets...the shadow side of the new year.

Especially at the New Year, it is so easy to look back and see all the things you've done, or not done, with new clarity; and then to inevitably journey down the road of regret. There is a reason they say "hindsight is 20/20" and it's because every single day you’re different. Every single minute, hour, day, week you have new information, yet how easily we fall into the trap of looking back with intense self scrutiny, wondering why we didn’t make different choices. We forget that with failure comes learning, with struggle comes growth and that every single piece of our history - wanted or unwanted/chosen or un-chosen - make up the people we are today, to want to change our past is ultimately to want to change ourselves. To desire to be different often requires that you actively reject who you are. Self-rejection, aside from being incredibly unproductive, can produce overwhelming waves of shame, loneliness and isolation. Yoga is an invitation to mindfulness - being with what is without judgement. Yoga teaches us that life is happening in this moment and no where else. Yoga is asking that we sit with all we are, without trying to change it, and just be. 

This is my prayer for all of you for the new year...

May this New Year bring a presence that is vivid and joyful - even in sorrow - may this present moment and the truth of your divine nature unfold before you reminding you that you, without needing to change a single thing, are a precious gift. 

With Love,

Enhancing practice through education that elevates.

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Photography Credit: Wild Thing Photography

Arielena Reed