The Magic of Movement: Anatomy for Yoga with Shanti Kelley Comes to San Antonio


Free to Move; Free to Feel

Learn from Anatomy and Kinesiology science how and why the body moves the way it does, what influences it, how to keep it safe, and why you should be the expert on your own body.

Answer these questions and more!

What message is pain delivering? Is pushing-through always possible? How do you balance effort and ease with in a pose? Why does alignment matter? What is the relationship of anatomy to movement? What enhances our movement and what diminishes it? What is nourishing movement defined of?

Precision Learning for Practical Application

Open a new world of understanding. The privilege of hosting Shanti Kelley here at Wild Thing School of Yoga presents students with a rich opportunity. This in-depth course includes targeted information to expand your knowledge and result in empowering your practice. Shanti’s advanced educator resume and noteworthy academic achievements allow her presentation of the material to be dynamic. Far from being a copy and paste anatomy chart instruction lesson, this course is vivid. It is designed to pique your curiosity, validate your experiences of your body, and envelope you in the wonder of investigating to satisfy your own process of inquiry. Follow along with Shanti and discover what the physical basis of movement is tied too, but don’t get comfortable because it doesn’t stop there. Prepare to go further with the inclusion of elements found in Shanti’s ‘Body as Metaphor’ curriculum. She will guide past the physiology of movement and into the elements that inform, shift, and shape movement. This goes beyond to include the often overlooked but vital role of the nervous system. Her instruction will assist in forming a solid foundation of anatomy and kineseology as they relate and apply to to Yoga. With this firm groundwork as the stepping off point; you can go back onto your mat or in front of your class empowered and with confidence. Fully informed you will be able to paint for yourself and others; an educated and accurate picture which weaves the science and sense of movement into new enjoyment of the bodies capabilities accompanied with a nurturing grasp of body sensibilities.


Why it’s worth it

Understanding the mechanics of body movement and the elements of anatomy and physiology assist in observing and naming one’s own intuitive experiences of movement. Enjoying a deeper connection with movement in our own practice provides distinctive rewards that are to be enjoyed on a personal level. All individuals looking to hold a pose with strength and without stress; this workshop will explain, inspire, and energize! Individuals desiring to teach others now or in the future will glean substance in order to teach wisely, myth-bust, and effectively separate fact from fiction. Emboldening our own practice and mind with a anatomically sound grasp of asana alignment principles allows us to embed our teaching with richness. Benefits include but are not limited too, reducing the risk of injury in ourselves and others, assisting with alignment in a way which honours biological differences in body structure, and leading forward with physical cues that invite freedom into our poses. Educated confidence on what the body is capable of allows us to encourage others safely and stand firmly within even the most physically challenging positions.

What does Shanti bring that is unique as an ideal movement instructor?

Shanti Kelley’s intense interest in the bio-mechanics of informed movement has curated her impressive professional and academic accomplishments. She is a certified Yoga Therapist with an emphasis on Yoga Therapy for PTSD. She holds 2 distinct ERYT-500 Certificates, the highest level achievable in Annie Carpenter’s Smartflow lineage, and a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology. This special 16 hour course features distilled wisdom, honed in for practical application in the practice of yoga. Integrated learning techniques allow you to put theory into practice. Visually see for yourself what is being described followed by practice to experience and tap into the bodies wisdom for yourself. Information is easy to absorb as it builds on itself and is pertinent regardless of skill or current knowledge level.

Why Online?

Unprecedented opportunity for unusual times. Wild Thing School of Yoga has needed to limit class size in order to take precautionary steps that ensure a comfortable learning environment for students and experts alike. In this instance; Shanti Kelly’s presenting skill has allowed for her segment of YTT teaching to be moved online. This opens up the door for Wild Thing to keep Teacher Training economically viable while still being affordable for participants even with a greatly reduced class size. Equally awesome is the chance for individuals not enrolled in 200YTT to have access to this tailored content for the very first time. Take advantage and experience growth in how you view the power of your body and what’s inside the decision and desire to ‘move’ it.


Enhancing practice through education that elevates.

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Copyright © 2021 Wild Thing Photography and School of Yoga, LLC. All rights reserved.

Photography Credit: Wild Thing Photography

Model: Shanti Kelley

Arielena Reed